Russian media spread false statement by Ulf Kristersson

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RBC, Gazeta, and Lenta are some of the Russian media that stated that Kristersson opened for nuclear weapons on Swedish territory.

RBC has subsequently corrected its article, which now contains a correction stating that the text was “modified as a result of an error in the translation”. But both and Lenta still have the incorrect information.

The Swedish embassy contacted RBC

In an email to Aftonbladet, the foreign ministry writes that the Swedish embassy in Russia has contacted RBC regarding the publication.

“The Swedish embassy in Moscow has alerted RBC to the misquotation. Prime Minister Kristersson said in his speech that Sweden is joining NATO without formal reservations. He also said that, as for the other Nordic countries, it is not relevant to have nuclear weapons on our own territory in peacetime,” writes the Foreign Ministry to the newspaper.

Kristersson: Russian media spreads misinformation

In a post on Facebook, Ulf Kristersson writes, among other things:

“At the same time as Russia is waging a full-scale invasion war against Ukraine, Sweden, our neighboring countries and the rest of Europe are threatened by Russia’s hybrid warfare – and Russian disinformation. The other day, Säpo warned of more and more Russian espionage in Sweden. Now the Russian media is spreading pure misinformation about what I said in my speech in Sälen.”

“All Swedes – both civilians and all in uniform – now have a task that is more important than in a very long time, to be very vigilant against such misinformation. It aims to create division and uncertainty – both within Sweden and between Sweden and our allies”.
