Russian journalist killed in bombing in Kiev

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Russian journalist Oksana Baulina died as a result of the Russian bombardment in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.

It was reporting for news site The Insider from Baulina, Kyiv and Lviv in western Ukraine.

Baulina reportedly died while filming the damage in the city’s Podil area.

Baulina had previously worked for Russian dissident Alexei Navalny’s anti-corruption foundation and had left Russia.

Last year, the foundation was outlawed, accused of extremism, and many of its employees were forced to flee Russia.

The Insider reported that one more person was killed and two others were injured in the bombardment.

Baulina became the fifth journalist known to have died in a month-long war.

In March, cameraman Yevhenii Sakun, working for Ukrainian television LIVE and Spanish News Agency EFE, was killed in the bombardment of the television tower in Kiev.

Two weeks later, US journalist and filmmaker Brent Renaud died in Irpin, outside Kiev.

Two days later, cameramen Pierre Zakrzewski and Oleksandra Kuvshinova, working for Fox TV, died when their car was shot at outside of Kyiv.
