Russian hackers target Ukrainian leaders

Russian hackers target smartphones of Ukrainian leaders

Russia is waging hybrid warfare, using hackers to attempt to break into Ukrainian secure networks to steal information and cripple infrastructure. According to one of the country’s cyber defense chiefs, the smartphones of Ukrainian officials are particularly targeted by Russian cyberattacks.

The war makes rage in Ukraine for more than 100 days, and the country continues to demonstrate resistance surprising. However, modern warfare is not just a matter of missilestanks, of drones as well as men and women who fight in the field… She is also hybrid. Russia is using its hackers to wage real cyber warfare in an attempt to gain an advantage.

According to Victor Zhora, one of Ukraine’s cyber defense chiefs, Russian hackers are trying to infect the smartphones of the country’s leaders. In an online press conference to mark 100 days since the Russian invasion, he said: ” We see many attempts to hack smartphones of Ukrainian officials, mainly by the diffusion malware. »

No infected smartphone to date

The good news is that here too the Ukrainian defense seems solid, since these are only attempts. Victor Zhora said his department found no indication of compromised devices. With “zero click” malware, in other words which take advantage of a particularly serious flaw to install itself without the slightest interaction from the user, it can be difficult to know if you have been the victim of an attack without analyzing the device completely.

Cyberattacks are an integral part of the Russian-led war, and hackers seem to have been included in the preparations well in advance. Malware analysis used from the start of the invasion of Ukraine showed that it was created several months in advance and used exclusively for warfare.

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