Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced: We did not get an answer Negotiations with Ukraine stopped

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced We did not get

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov made a statement about the point reached by the negotiations between Moscow and Kyiv, which have been going on for about 2 months. Speaking at the joint press conference held after meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Mukhtar Tileuberdi in Moscow, Lavrov stated that the ongoing negotiations between Russia and Ukraine are progressing slowly.


“We were negotiating, now it has stalled. Because the proposal we submitted to the Ukrainian negotiators five days ago and formulated taking into account the comments received at that time remained unanswered,” Lavrov said. used the phrases.

Recalling that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy had told “they did not receive offers” when asked about Moscow’s offers, Lavrov said, “It is not for me to judge how well he has mastered the situation, but this shows where the so-called ‘negotiations’ are.” he said.

Minister Lavrov said that it was strange for him to hear statements from Ukrainian representatives, including the head of state and advisers, that they “do not need negotiations, they surrender to their fate”.


Reminding that the Ukrainian side wanted security guarantees to be given by a group of foreign countries during the first talks in the form of negotiations, Lavrov said, “They did not list these countries on paper, but they mentioned permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, they talked about both Turkey and Germany. We are not against it. The main issue is what will be the essence of these guarantees and that these guarantees, while acceptable to Ukraine, do not pose a threat to others.” used the phrases.

Evaluating Ukrainian President Zelensky’s statement that the destruction of Ukrainian forces in Mariupol will end all negotiations, Lavrov said, “We will not tolerate any ultimatum.” said.

Arguing that the West took sanctions decisions due to the disruption of its plan to control Russia through Ukraine, Lavrov said, “The actions of our Western colleagues do not reflect the principles and norms of the current model of globalization on which they laid the foundation, including the norms of the World Trade Organization, the IMF and the World Bank. It shows that they completely ignored it.” (AA)
