Russian court imposes record fine on Google for content about Ukraine

Russian court imposes record fine on Google for content about

A Moscow court on Monday July 18 imposed on the American giant Google a fine of 21 billion rubles (363 million euros). The Russian telecommunications regulator criticizes the American group for not having deleted content denouncing the Russian military offensive in Ukraine. It is the largest fine ever imposed on a technology group in Russia.

With our correspondent in Moscow, Jean-Didier Revoin

After blocking access to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, it is now the turn of Google, or rather its YouTube video platform, to be in the sights of the Russian authorities.

The authorities accuse him of not having blocked false information on the special operation of the Russian army in Ukraine, content making the propaganda of what Moscow describes as extremist or terrorist, as well as calls to participate in prohibited events.

This is the reason for this conviction for repeat offense to a record fine based on the turnover of Google in Russia. But so far, neither Google nor YouTube have been blocked by the authorities. As a Russian parliamentarian said last week, this is proof that they have not crossed the line of reason, even if he recognized that these two entities were playing an active role in the information war against the Russia.

Google retains the possibility of appealing this sentence, even if the American company restricted its services on the Russian market to protest against the special operation of the Russian army in Ukraine.

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