Russia Will Cut Access to Instagram!

Russia Will Cut Access to Instagram

Russian Federal Information Technologies and Mass Media Supervision Establishment RoskomnadzorInstagram will soon become inaccessible in Russia, according to a statement. After Facebook, the last banned social media platform, Russia is cutting off access to Instagram this time. Access to almost all social media platforms has been cut off in Russia due to the Russia-Ukraine crisis.

While many countries, including the USA and the European Union, announced that the services would be stopped, there was a counter move from Russia. The Russian Federal Information Technologies and Mass Media Supervision Agency (Roskomnadzor) took action against the restrictions and obstacles imposed by Facebook on the pages of Russian media organizations in the past days. At the same time in the country where Facebook is completely blocked twitter and YouTubeAccess is blocked in .

A Russian blogger, who earned money on Instagram in the country where his communication network was restricted, could not control his tears in the video he published. The famous name, who rebelled because Instagram was closed in his country, beyond making money for Instagram, “Do you still think that this is how it is for me as an Instagram blogger? This is my whole life. My soul. I have been sleeping with this job for 5 years…”

See also: Twitter Access Ban from Russia!
