Sharing pictures and videos of the war in Ukraine, fraudsters sought to fill people’s pockets by abusing their goodwill. Fake aid campaigns on a global scale were launched under the name ‘Plant A Tree’ user and Save Ukraine’. According to the news of the Turkish newspaper; It was determined that the account had previously collected money during the great fire disaster in Turkey. However, it is not known where the money collected went. On the same site, donations are collected by account number or by shopping income from shopping sites.
It is seen that many fake aid accounts have been opened on the Turkish side of the business as well. Photographs of previous official aid campaigns are used in the profiles. It is seen that there are posters with the words ‘Let’s heal the wounds together’ on the trucks. Again, donations are requested to certain account numbers. However, there is no information about where the collected money is or to whom it was delivered. It is also estimated that these fake profiles, which are still open, will be closed after reaching a certain donation amount. Experts state that it is forbidden to collect aid from social media other than official institutions and that legal action will be initiated if it is detected.