Russia targeted by a wave of Ukrainian drone attacks – L’Express

Russia targeted by a wave of Ukrainian drone attacks –

This Tuesday, March 12, American President Joe Biden intends to reaffirm with his counterpart Andrzej Duda and Prime Minister Donald Tusk an “unwavering commitment to the defense of Ukraine in the face of the brutal aggression of Russia,” the House announced. White.

Information to remember

⇒ A wave of Ukrainian drone attacks in Russia

⇒ Biden will try to reassure Polish leaders on NATO and Ukraine

⇒ Ukraine: an optimistic Zelensky assures that “the Russian advance has been stopped”

Ukraine: Optimistic Zelensky assures that “the Russian advance has been stopped”

After his army’s setbacks against Russian forces, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was optimistic on Monday, saying that “Russia’s advance has been stopped” and that the situation was “much better” on the front. In an interview with the French television channel BFMTV and daily The worldhe stated :

“I can give you the latest information: the situation is much better than during the last three months.” The Russian advance “continued in the east of the country, today our command, our soldiers have stopped it”, he said, according to the French translation of his remarks. “Your children are not going to die in Ukraine,” the Ukrainian president continued, assuring that the sending of foreign troops was not necessary for the moment.

Biden will try to reassure Polish leaders on NATO and Ukraine

Between threats from Donald Trump on NATO and warnings from American intelligence on Ukraine, Joe Biden will try on Tuesday to reassure the Polish president and Prime Minister, whom he receives at the White House. The meeting comes as the US intelligence community, in a report to the Senate released Monday, warns that “the dynamic is shifting increasingly in favor of Moscow” in the war against Ukraine, for currently deprived of aid from the United States due to a political deadlock in Congress.

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Before flying to Washington, Polish President Andrzej Duda said Monday that NATO member countries should increase their military budgets from 2% to 3% of their GDP, as a response to Russian aggression against Ukraine . The alliance currently has a spending target set at 2% of GDP, a threshold not respected by several countries. Poland, for its part, already spends around 4% of its GDP on defense. “I want to propose in the near future […] “that NATO countries decide together that the Alliance’s requirement will be to spend not 2%, but 3% of GDP on defense,” he told reporters.

Leaks in the German army: a second officer involved

A second participant in a leaked confidential conversation between high-ranking German army officers had not properly connected to the video conference, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said on Monday.

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During this meeting on military aid to Kiev, the audio recording of which was published in Russia, Air Force inspector Ingo Gerhartz did not use the required connection, according to the first results of the investigation announced following a meeting of the Bundestag Defense Committee. However, there would have been no data leak in his case, unlike another participant whose use of an “unauthorized connection” was already known.

Russia: two fuel depots on fire after drone attacks

Two fuel depots were attacked by drones on Tuesday morning in Oryol and Kstovo, two Russian cities located respectively 160 km from the Ukrainian border and 450 km east of Moscow, regional governors announced. The attacks both started a fire, according to these governors. The governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Gleb Nikitin, reported that a fuel and energy complex in the Kstovo industrial zone was attacked by drones.

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Russia was targeted on Tuesday by a wave of Ukrainian drone attacks which struck as far as the Leningrad region (northwest), located very far from Ukraine, and caused fires on energy sites in two others regions. This is one of the largest drone attacks against Russian territory since the start of the offensive in Ukraine in February 2022. The Russian Ministry of Defense announced that it had destroyed a total of 25 Ukrainian drones overnight, including in the region of Moscow (2), Leningrad (1), as well as in those of Belgorod (11), Kursk (11) and Bryansk (1), all three bordering Ukraine.

Ukraine: an eventful debate expected in the Assembly, in the middle of the European campaign

Tumultuous atmosphere in sight: the National Assembly decides on Tuesday on the aid strategy for Ukraine during a debate and a symbolic vote, which should serve as a ground for clashes between Macronists, RN and LFI in full swing. European campaign. The Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, will kick off the debates around 4:30 p.m., before the intervention of the political groups then a vote, without binding value, expected around 8:00 p.m.

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The outcome of the vote could be favorable, with the support of LR. “We have no other choice. We are obviously for Ukraine,” they say within the right-wing group. “But we want concrete commitments in terms of arms exports and that France does not just talk.”
