Russia stops gas to Latvia

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Russian energy giant Gazprom stops all gas deliveries to neighboring Latvia.

According to the company’s statement on the messaging service Telegram, it is about Latvia allegedly violating the agreement.

“Today, Gazprom has stopped gas deliveries to Latvia due to violations of the conditions,” the company writes.

According to Reuters, the announcement comes the day after the Latvian energy company Latvijas Gaze clarified that it wants to pay for gas in euros, rather than in rubles, which Russia demanded. However, they claim to buy the gas from a different Russian company than state-owned Gazprom.

On Wednesday, Gazprom throttled the gas flow to Europe down to 20 percent of the capacity in Nord Stream 1. According to the EU, it is about Russia using the gas as a way to punish the EU for the extensive sanctions against Russia due to the war in Ukraine.

Russia, for its part, claims that the limited flow is due to one of the two turbines not being fully operational due to an engine problem.
