Russia ports Joe Biden on US aid package

Russia ports Joe Biden on US aid package

Today, Joe Biden approved another massive support package for Ukraine – SEK 390 billion.

– US support is crucial for us, Zelenskyj says shortly afterwards.

Just hours later, the US president is ported from Russia.

Ukraine warned on Thursday that it was in desperate need of assistance from the outside world to be able to continue defending itself against Russia.

Today, the President of the United States approved a new support package SEK 390 billion. It was voted through while Biden was on his way to Seoul in South Korea. The massive sum will go to Ukraine’s defense, financial assistance and humanitarian aid.

Shortly afterwards, President Zelensky thanked Joe Biden:

– The US leadership, President Biden and the support of the American people for Ukraine are absolutely crucial for us to be able to defend ourselves against the Russian aggressor.

Zelensky added that Ukraine looks forward to new powerful defense assistance from the U.S.

– Today it is needed more than ever.

Fast counterattack from Russia

Russia responded quickly by adding even more names to the list of nearly 1,000 Americans banned from entering the country.

Among those who ported today is US President Joe BidenSecretary of State Antony Blinken and CIA Director William Burns.

Russia has previously banned Boris Johnson, Liz Truss and Ben Wallace from visiting the country. The United States, the European Union, Britain and other countries in the West have in turn sanctioned Russian individuals such as oligarchs who are considered close to the Kremlin, Putin’s children and relatives of Sergei Lavrov.

Although the travel ban on Russia is a symbolic act, it has been part of a downward spiral in Russia’s increasingly frosty relations with the United States and its allies, since the invasion of Ukraine on 24 February.
