Russia may remove the Taliban from the terror list

The Taliban, who regained power in Afghanistan in 2021, are today considered a terrorist organization by Russia. Despite this, the Taliban embassy in Moscow was recently replenished with a military attaché and a trade representative, according to Russian state media.

The countries’ geographical proximity to each other means that they have several topics to discuss, according to Peskov.

Terror attack in Moscow

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  • Russia: Arrested planning new crime

  • – We have to deal with important issues, which requires dialogue. In this regard, we communicate with them just like with everyone else, they are the de facto ruling power in Afghanistan, Peskov said on Tuesday but without defining which issues he was referring to, according to Reuters.

    Rivals of the Islamic State

    IS Khorasan, a branch of the terrorist sect Islamic State, claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack in Moscow on March 22. 144 people were killed in the attack, which was filmed by the perpetrators themselves.

    The group is based in Afghanistan and sees both Russia and the Taliban as some of its worst enemies. According to experts, IS Khorasan is trying to challenge the Taliban for power in the country.

    – IS Khorasan also knows that Russia has tried to establish relations with the Taliban, who are their main enemy, said Amira Jadoon, terrorism researcher at Clemson University in the USA, to SVT Nyheter at the end of March.

    Putin: Will find the guilty

    Several people have been indicted for the massacre in Moscow, but the hunt for additional suspects is still ongoing. President Putin, who early singled out Ukraine as being involved, says it’s just a matter of following the money to find the people who ordered the attack.

    – Everything is for sale, information is bought and sold, so we will definitely get to the end customers, the president said on Tuesday, according to state-run Ria.

    Ukraine has vigorously denied the Russian accusations.

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    American expert: “No greater risk of more successful acts” Photo: SVT/EPA
