Russia is trying to break up NATO, but on the contrary, it is making it more united

Swedens NATO membership now moved forward by moving the

The NATO summit will be held in the capital of Lithuania, Vilnius, next Tuesday and Wednesday. Diplomatic efforts to accept Sweden’s membership are going on until the last moments.

Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg said at a news conference that Russia’s efforts to break up the military alliance will not succeed despite its efforts.

– NATO will be even more united in the future.

According to the Secretary General, Ukraine is supported in three ways.

In addition to financial support, the armed forces of Ukraine are supported by training and advice. NATO and Ukraine establish a political council. Ukraine will receive 500 million euros worth of medicines, fuel and other defense material.

According to the Secretary General, Ukraine’s NATO membership will be maintained and membership is welcomed.

Stoltenberg welcomed Finland and said that the Prime Minister of Sweden Ulf Kristersson hold negotiations with NATO representatives next week before the meeting.

– Sweden has provided all the necessary information regarding membership. Turkey is a member.

Cluster bombs divide union members

Today, the US is expected to announce the delivery of cluster bombs to Ukraine. Stoltenberg answered a question about the dubiousness of the bombs. Some NATO member countries have banned their use. The Secretary General said that the issue divides member states.

– It is up to each member country how to deal with arms deliveries. Ukraine has used cluster bombs to defend its territory from Russian aggression. The best way to avoid using them is for Russia to stop attacking Ukraine.

The story is completed.
