Russia is a threat to the whole of Europe, that’s why we have to win, Prime Minister Marin says to CBS

Russia is a threat to the whole of Europe thats

The Prime Minister describes Russian President Putin as acting emotionally, and does not believe that he can be reasoned with.

Russia is a threat to all of Europe and therefore it is necessary to ensure that Ukraine wins, Prime Minister Sanna Marin (sd.) evaluates the US channel CBS In an interview with the 60 Minutes program (you will switch to another service).

– They attack another country, they kill civilians, they destroy infrastructure. Russia is a threat to all of us, and that’s why we have to make sure that Ukraine wins, says Marin in an interview.

The prime minister also does not believe that the Russian president Vladimir Putin can talk sense with. Instead, he describes Putin’s actions as very emotional, and based on some kind of feeling about Russia’s history and greatness.

– They see Ukraine as part of Russia and believe that they have the right to attack another independent country, Marin continues.

Marin is also asked about his visit to Ukraine, and the interviewer emphasizes that it is one thing to say that you support Ukraine, but quite another to visit the place. The Prime Minister emphasizes that it is important for him to show solidarity in many different ways. He also lists humanitarian, economic and military aid to be delivered to Ukraine.

– I think it is a very important message that we are here together, they are not alone, we are right next to them.

Finland was not ready for NATO before the Russian attack

The prime minister says that he was leaning towards NATO even before the Russian attack. According to him, before the war, Finland was not ready for NATO, but immediately after the attack, he knew that a military alliance was the only way for Finland.

– We are Russia’s neighbor, and now we have seen that Russia is attacking its neighboring country today, Marin elaborated on his view when asked.

– We never want to see war in Finland again, so we asked ourselves what is the border that Russia will not cross, and that is NATO’s border.

Putin has warned of countermeasures if Finland decides to join NATO. In the interview, Marin is asked if he sees the Russian president’s speeches as a threat.

– I think we shouldn’t make our decisions out of fear, says Marin.

Instead, according to the prime minister, decisions should be based on how Finns really feel and what we think about it.

– That is why we are joining NATO, and hopefully we will be a member of NATO very soon, he sums up.
