Russia increases Arctic weaponry and saves on nature conservation – the new cold war in the Arctic Ocean scares experts

EPN in Eastern Ukraine People are very worried This will

Russia is in a decisive position in terms of the future of the Arctic Ocean region, but its actions in the north are no longer completely clear.

Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine has brought the Cold War to the Arctic regions. It means that the connections between the largest country in the northern regions and other countries are almost completely cut off.

Worked as Norway’s foreign minister 2017–2021, currently working as chairman of the foreign and defense affairs committee of the country’s Grand Chamber Ine Eriksen Søreide says that he can’t believe that cooperation will return to the level before the annexation of Crimea in 2014.

The politician of the right-wing party is worried about the messages coming from northern Russia. For example, Russia is known to have reopened its old bases there.

Messages are received in the same way as during the Soviet Union, i.e. through different intelligence channels. There are no direct channels between neighboring countries.

– The area’s environment is very vulnerable and there is a weapons base there. Most of Russia’s nuclear weapons are in the northern regions and the Kola Peninsula, and Russia has re-tuned its defense systems. This is a strategic challenge for NATO as well, Eriksen Søreide breaks down the threats.

Quiet on the northeast lane

Specialist at the US Wilson Center Arctic Research Center Marisol Maddox has drawn attention to the same thing. Russia’s efforts in the north are increasingly military.

According to him, it has been quiet on the Arctic Ocean transport route, the Northeast Passage, which raised high commercial hopes in recent years.

– China doesn’t seem to be sending its cargo ships to Europe this winter via that route either, says Maddox.

In the absence of cooperation, the actions of the Russians cannot be monitored.

– Under the pressure of sanctions, they try to use their natural resources more efficiently. This will significantly increase cross-border environmental risks in the future, says Maddox.

The United States became concerned about global warming

The US scientist sees the president as a positive development in the Arctic regions Joe Biden administration’s apparently genuine interest in the Arctic Ocean region.

The United States announced a new one at the beginning of October its arctic strategy (you switch to another service)which aims to develop the area through sustainable development methods.

The strategy cites a study commissioned by the Arctic Council, according to which the northern regions are warming up to three times faster than the rest of the globe.

– The US administration finally seems to understand how hugely important the region is. Several federal units are interested in investing in research and international cooperation, says Maddox.

You can discuss the topic until 23:00 tomorrow.
