Russia hit the western city of Lviv with missiles – six dead and several injured

Russia hit the western city of Lviv with missiles

Lviv, close to the Polish border, has so far been spared the worst. Many internally displaced persons have applied there.

Missile strikes have taken place in the western city of Lviv in Ukraine.

Authorities say six people have been killed and at least eight injured in Russia’s attacks. Smoke clouds can be seen above the city.

District Governor Maksym Kozystkiy says there were four blows. Three of them hit army buildings and one hit a tire shop. According to him, one of the injured is a child.

The rescue service is currently extinguishing the fires caused by the attacks.

Lviv in western Ukraine has so far been largely on the sidelines of the fighting.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky assistant Mykhailo Podolyak wrote on Twitter that Russia continues its “barbaric attacks from the air on Ukrainian cities”.

Lviv has been a haven for internally displaced persons

Lviv, close to the Polish border, has become a refuge for many internally displaced persons. Many Western delegations from the capital, Kiev, were also transferred there at the beginning of the war.

In late March, Russia struck a fuel depot in Lviv. Five people were injured in the attack.

In mid-March, a building repairing aircraft was bombed near Lviv airport. No personal injuries were reported.

In mid-March, Russia also crashed missiles at a military base about 40 kilometers northwest of Kiev.

There have been attacks all over Ukraine

Russia has stepped up attacks in recent days around Kiev. It has struck several targets where munitions are being made.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi said late Sunday that 18 people had been killed and more than 100 injured in artillery fire in the city of Kharkov in four days.

Zelenskyi described this as a deliberate terror against civilians.

In the port city of Mariupol, Russia has threatened to destroy all soldiers who continue to resist.

However, the Ukrainian soldiers did not surrender by the deadline set by Russia on Sunday.

The Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Šmyhal has assured that troops will continue to fight in Mariupol “to the end.” He said Ukrainian soldiers still control some parts of the city.

According to Russia’s defense ministry, Russian troops have “cleaned up the rest of the city, but a number of Ukrainians are in the industrial zone.”

* You can discuss the topic until Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 11 p.m.
