Russia has executed Ukrainians trying to surrender in Donetsk, says US – three key news from the evening and night

Russia has executed Ukrainians trying to surrender in Donetsk says

The US special envoy spoke at the UN about the systematic violence perpetrated by Russian forces in Ukraine.

UN Secretary-General: Planned evacuation of civilians from Mariupol steel plant

Efforts to get civilians evacuated from the Azovstal factory site in Mariupol continue, says UN secretary-general António Guterres.

According to various estimates, the plant is trapped by hundreds of civilians and Ukrainian soldiers, many of whom have been injured.

According to Guterres, the evacuation of the civilian factory was scheduled to begin on Friday, but due to difficult conditions, the evacuation cannot yet begin.

– The operation is particularly difficult because it is not about people being evacuated from their homes or public areas. Instead, they’re in a bunker in really dramatic conditions.

The factory in the south of Mariupol is right on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov. It covers an area of ​​more than 11 square kilometers, or 1,100 hectares. The factory area is very labyrinthine. The labyrinth continues under the factory buildings with its bunkers, corridors and communication systems.

In the US “credible information on the systematic violence of the Russian army in Ukraine”

The United States has credible reports that Russian troops have executed Ukrainians for trying to surrender near Donetsk, says U.S. Special Envoy for Global Criminal Justice Beth Van Schaack news channel CNN (switch to another service) by.

In addition, Van Schaak said at the UN that the United States has received reliable information on how individuals have been executed with the hands of the victims tied. The special envoy also spoke about the dead found in the wake of the torture and the shocking sexual violence against women and girls.

According to Van Schaak, the pictures and reports show that these are not isolated acts, but rather the systematic violence perpetrated by Russian forces in Ukraine.

The British Foreign Secretary welcomed Finland and Sweden to NATO

British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss assures that the door of the Defense Alliance NATO is open to both Finland and Sweden.

Speaking at the country’s diplomatic service in London at midnight, Truss said that if Finland and Sweden opt for NATO membership, the countries’ accession should take place as soon as possible.

13% of respondents oppose Finnish membership. More than a fifth of the respondents could not express their opinion.

About two weeks ago, joining NATO in the HS poll was 59 percent in favor and 17 percent opposed.
