Russia fires on nearby Chernobyl city, says Ukraine – here are three key events of the evening and night

Russia has taken over two nuclear power plants in Ukraine

Russia is starting to run out of precision weapons and needs to rely more and more on artillery fire and so-called stupid bombs, an American source said.

Britain confirmed the destruction of a Russian warship by Ukraine

Ukrainian forces have managed to destroy a Russian landing craft in the port of Berdiansk, the British Ministry of Defense said at night. According to a daily report published by the ministry, the Russian ammunition depot was also destroyed in the city.

The U.S. Defense Authority also told the news channel CNN (switch to another service) according to that Ukraine “probably made successful attacks” on Russian ships in Berdiansk, southeastern Ukraine.

According to several media outlets, the Russian state RT television channel aired the warship just days before it was destroyed. An RT channel reporter said the Orsk ship will be able to carry 20 battle tanks or 40 armored vehicles.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has not officially commented on the ship’s destruction.

Ukraine: Russia fires on nearby Chernobyl

Ukraine has told the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that the checkpoints in the city of Slavutych are under constant artillery fire in Russia.

The city is home to about 25,000 people, mainly workers from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and their families. According to Ukraine, the fire in Russia endangers the lives of the city’s residents and the workers will not be allowed to be replaced in the power plant occupied by Russia due to the situation.

The IAEA has called for the rotation of workers to be secured, citing the safety of the plant.

Chernobyl personnel, who had been working on the pipeline for almost four weeks, were allowed to return to the sites a few days ago.

The operating rate of Russian missiles is low

Russia is starting to run out of precision weapons and has to resort more and more to artillery fire and so-called stupid bombs. A U.S. Department of Defense official told Reuters.

According to U.S. officials, a significant portion of Russia’s precision missiles have not been operational. On some days, the activity rate is below 50%. The inoperability of a missile can be, for example, the failure of the launch or the fact that the missile does not explode when it hits its target.

Russia has used a lot of missiles in its attack on Ukraine. The low operating rate of the missiles may help explain why, for example, Russia has not completely ruled out Ukraine’s air defense.
