Russia does not accept the accusations against the Russian border guards – “They fully follow the instructions”

Russia does not accept the accusations against the Russian border

According to him, Russia can hardly influence the situation because there is no dialogue between Finland and Russia.

Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov commented on the situation on Finland’s eastern border today, Monday. The Finnish authorities have noticed signs that Russia is pushing asylum seekers across the border.

– We do not accept such accusations. Border stations are used by those who have the right to do so. Our border guards follow all official instructions, Russian news agency TASS borrow Peskov’s answer at his press conference.

The Kremlin’s press secretary complained again that relations between Finland and Russia have deteriorated.

– Dialogue [Suomen kanssa] does not exist. We were not the initiators, said Peskov.

According to him, Russia can hardly influence the situation because “there is no dialogue” between the countries.

He added that the Finnish leadership now has a “Russophobic attitude”.

Chairman of the Defense Committee Jukka Kopra (co.) said today in the morning of that it is obvious that “Russia pushes asylum seekers here and does not follow the agreements”. Head of the Vartius border guard station Jouko Kinnunen on the other hand said that the authorities are prepared for the fact that people will be brought to the border area even today.

Kopra and Kinnusen’s comments added to the story at 14:40.
