Russia, China, Iran… These wars that the French army anticipates – L’Express

pourquoi lEurope doit se rearmer face a Poutine par Niall

An invasion of the Baltic countries by Vladimir Putin’s Russia, a civil war in New Caledonia, a blockade of Taiwan by China… For several years, the French army has been working on fictitious but credible crisis situations, in order to anticipate at best the future.

After a long report published in Express in March 2023, our journalist Alexandra Saviana continued the analysis in a book: The dark scenarios of the French army (ed. Robert Laffont). She wondered how the 413 billion military programming budget could be invested, for the period from 2024 to 2030, knowing that it takes around ten years, according to experts, to build an army capable of responding to different threats. .

READ ALSO: 2025, Algerian soldiers target Toulon: the war scenarios of the French army

In this video, she tells us behind the scenes of the development of these dark scenarios, supported by the decryptions of more than a hundred military experts. A testimony to be found on our YouTube channel as well as on all our social networks.
