Russia: censorship and the golden age of independent journalism

Journalism is completely destroyed

In Russia, since the outbreak of the invasion in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, censorship reigns. Laws forbid pronouncing the word “war”, “discrediting” the Russian army. One after another, the last independent media outlets in the country have been forced to shut down. And at the same time, Russian journalism has perhaps never been so dynamic, to the point of speaking of a certain golden age of independent journalism. Leo Vidal-Giraud.

In TurkeyParliament is debating a law on “internet media and social networks” which provides for the punishment of up to four and a half years in prison for anyone who disseminates “false information”.

Organizations for the defense of press freedom see it as a new instrument to muzzle the independent press one year before the elections.

And concern is mounting in the newsrooms concerned, Anne Andlauer.

In Serbia, the difficult struggle of women against a banalized sexism right up to the top of the state. Sexual violence, conservatism, patriarchy, despite the difficulties, feminists refuse to give up. A report by Simon Ricoproduced with the support of

Spain’s women’s football team secures historic equal pay deal

After months of negotiations, the women’s football team has reached an agreement which will come into effect for the next 5 seasons. L’Spain joins countries such as Brazil, England, the United States, Norway and Denmark which have already concluded similar agreements: players of the national team will have the same bonuses and equivalent working conditions. The details ofElise Gazengel.

Franceline Beretti’s European Eye: women’s rights.
