Russia carried out numerous missile attacks on Ukraine – many Kyivites were left without water

Russia carried out numerous missile attacks on Ukraine many

According to Ukraine, Russia fired more than 50 cruise missiles at different parts of the country on Monday. The strikes have particularly affected the distribution of electricity and water.

19:15•Updated 19:30

Russia has hit various parts of Ukraine with extensive missile strikes on Monday.

According to the Ukrainian military, Russia fired more than 50 cruise missiles. According to the Ukrainian army, many of them were repelled, but the attacks have caused, for example, power outages in many areas.

Mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klytsko said on his Telegram channel during the day that as a result of the missile attacks on the power plants in the capital of Ukraine, 80 percent of the people of Kyiv were left without water. The mayor urged the townspeople to get water for storage from shops and wells.

350,000 Kyiv households were also left without electricity.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the attacks were aimed at military and energy infrastructure. According to the Ministry of Defense, the purpose of the attacks was achieved and all the specified targets were hit.

According to the Ukrainian Air Force, it successfully intercepted 44 missiles. According to Ukraine, the consequences could have been much worse otherwise.

13 people are said to have been injured in the morning’s attacks.

The remnants of one of the missiles shot down by Ukraine fell on the side of Moldova on Monday. However, no one is known to have been injured.

Russia has accelerated its attacks on Ukrainian power plants

Russia has accelerated its attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. Earlier attacks this month have already destroyed about a third of Ukraine’s power plants.

Attacks on power plants cause concern among Ukrainians. Lives near Kiev Mila Ryabova39, tells news agency AFP that he and his family are thinking about moving abroad, as a cold winter is ahead.

– We may not have electricity or heating. It can be difficult, especially with a small child, she says.

The man posing as Viktor, on the other hand, believes that Russia wants to cause fear with its attacks.

Grain shipments have left Ukraine despite Russia’s announcement of withdrawal

Over the weekend, Russia announced that it would withdraw from the Black Sea grain transport agreement brokered by the UN and Turkey, which has enabled Ukrainian grain to reach the world market despite the war.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu the Turkish defense minister discussed grain transport on Monday Hulusi Akari with. So far, the content of the discussions has not been made public in more detail.

Several grain ships have left Ukraine today, despite Russia’s announcement over the weekend.

Sources: AFP, AP

* You can discuss the topic until Tuesday, November 1, 2022, until 11 p.m.

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