Russia blocks access to 81 European media outlets in retaliation for EU sanctions

Russia blocks access to 81 European media outlets in retaliation

Russia announced on June 25 the blocking of 81 European media. Moscow is talking about retaliation after the European Union banned four Russian media outlets in May. The blocking of these media in Russia does not erase the effects of an “illegal war”, reacted the Italian government.

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The list is long: from the German magazine Der Spiegel, to Spanish daily newspapers El Mundo And El Paísvia Italian television RAI. French media – The World, Liberation, Radio France, the LCI and CNews channels – and Agence France-Presse are also affected. The Russian Foreign Ministry has aimed broadly.

These are “countermeasures”, according to Moscow, after the decision in mid-May of theEuropean Union to sanction four Russian media outlets, including Voice of Europe and Ria Novosti. Brussels accuses them of spreading Russian propaganda.

Read alsoUkraine: defending journalism in times of war

Sanctions taken by the EU must also include a “ ban on Russian funding of EU media, NGOs and political parties », had then specified the European Commissioner responsible for Values ​​and Transparency, Vera Jourova.

Painful response

At the time, Russian diplomacy promised a “very painful” response. The threats were carried out. This media blocking is a new episode in the more than tense relations between the European Union and the Russia since the Russian invasion in Ukraine.

RFI is already blocked, it has been impossible to hear us in Russia since April 2022.

Read alsoThe metamorphosis of Russian informational influence strategies
