Russia behind anti-Semitic tags at the Shoah Memorial?

Russia behind anti Semitic tags at the Shoah Memorial

An investigation was opened by the Paris prosecutor’s office this Wednesday, May 22 after the discovery, last week, of anti-Semitic tags in the center of the capital. Dozens of red hands had been painted on the Wall of the Righteous outside the Holocaust memorial. The trail of destabilization orchestrated by Russia is favored by investigators.

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According to the chained Duck, it is thanks to video surveillance and cell phone demarcation that the police are said to have traced the Russian trail. On the night of May 13 to 14, three men were filmed painting red hands on the wall of the Righteous at the memorial of the Holocausthas Paris.

In the deserted streets at this hour, the study of the telephone offers valuable details on their journey and allows us to trace them until discovering Bulgarian passports left at their hotel. The three phones were then limited to the Paris Bercy bus station. This is where, in the early morning, the team boarded a bus towards Brussels.

A scenario similar to another previous action

This scenario is in every way similar to another action carried out seven months ago in Paris. A few weeks after the start of the war between Israel and Hamas, hundreds of Stars of David had been tagged in the streets of Paris. The alleged culprits, Moldovans, had also fled by bus towards Brussels.

The Shoah memorial affair could therefore be a new operation to destabilize public opinion from Russia

Also listenAnti-Semitism in France: a scourge on the rise
