Russia-based assets of Renault company transferred to the state

Russia based assets of Renault company transferred to the state

Headquartered in France, one of the world’s largest automobile manufacturers Renaulthave to leave Russia-based assets to the state left.

The Russian occupation of Ukraine continues sadly. As part of the sanctions against this occupation, many companies stopped operating in Russia. Among these companies Renault was also included. The company, which decided to stop production in its factory in Russia within the scope of the sanctions, today announced the official announcement of a development that has been on the table for a long time. made. The French manufacturer has 100 percent of its Russian factory / operation to the country (Specifically to the Moscow city government) sold or, in other words, left. The company also had to cede its stake in local automaker Avtovaz. share in Avtovaz Will have the right to take it back within 6 years The company had more than 45,000 employees in Russia, according to the statement.

A to the source According to Russia, new vehicles to be produced from the Renault factory are now “Moscow” will be released under the name. In this respect, the company’s tools if enough pieces are found Russia will continue to get on its way. Here “if enough pieces are found” part is important because embargoes against Russia continue.


It is known by everyone that the country has great problems especially in electronics and chip / processor supply. It is a matter of great curiosity how new vehicles that will hit the road will be without these electronic components, which are indispensable for a modern car. It looks like Renault’s new owners will have to use their production lines to produce very, very simple vehicles.

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