Russia attacks Kyiv from the air


  • Russia attacks Kyiv from the air

    13 min

    Knut Sahlin Ekberg

    Early on Wednesday, Russia launched an air strike against Kiev, reports SVT with reference to Reuters.

    Witnesses confirm to the news agency that more explosions were heard in the capital.

    Air defense systems work to counter the attacks.


  • Sources: US sends Patriot again

    A Patriot system is shown at a press event in Gnoien, Germany last year. Archive image. Photo: Bernd Wuestneck/AP/TT

    The United States will send another of its Patriot systems to Ukraine, sources told the New York Times.

    The coveted air defense system is reportedly being shipped from Poland, where it has been used to protect stationed American soldiers who are now about to return to the United States.

    The system is expected to be in use on Ukraine’s front lines within a few days.

  • Bus hijacked in the US – one dead

    During Tuesday afternoon’s rush hour traffic in Atlanta in the United States, a bus was hijacked, reports say CNN.

    Police were first alerted to a shooting on a bus in the center of town. But when they got to the scene, it drove off and a car chase began.

    According to the channel, the bus driver was forced to drive at gunpoint by a perpetrator. A total of 17 people were on board.

    In the end, the bus could be stopped and the perpetrator arrested.

    One person died in connection with the shooting.

  • A-tractor drove at 100 km/h – boy suspect

    A 15-year-old boy in Södra Sandby outside Lund is suspected of traffic offences.

    The boy must have driven his A-tractor at over a hundred kilometers per hour, reports say South Sweden.

    A witness had been behind the tractor and at one point was driving over a hundred km/h, then he called the police.

    But when the police arrive at the scene, the boy drives at 40 km/h again.

    – The witness perceives it as having been discovered and slowed down. But we impound the tractor to carry out a technical examination, to see if it is going faster than allowed, says Sara Andersson of the police to the newspaper.

    The boy is suspected of illegal driving.

  • American rapper Enchanting dead

    American rapper Enchanting, whose real name is Channing Nicole Larry, has died, reports say Daily Mail.

    She belv 26 years old.

    According to the newspaper, she died of an overdose.

  • One to hospital after suspected shooting

    The police task force was called to the scene Photo: Mikael Nilsson

    The police have been called to an address in Malmö due to a shooting.

    According to information given to Aftonbladet, a major effort is underway at Kirseberg in the city. Several streets have been blocked off in the area.

    The alarm came in to the police at 11.30 p.m. Several people have been seen running from the scene.

    A man in his 20s is being treated in hospital with minor gunshot wounds.

    No suspect has been arrested.

    The police have secured traces from the shooting and are conducting a crime scene investigation with technicians and a dog.

  • Eight arrested in the US – suspected links to IS

    Eight people from Tajikistan have been arrested in several locations in the United States. They are suspected of having links to the terrorist sect IS, reports ABC News.

    They were arrested in a joint effort by the Migration Agency and the FBI in several locations in the country – Los Angeles, Philadelphia and New York.

    The eight suspects have been in the US for a year, but their links to IS only became known now.

    However, the FBI does not have enough evidence to file terrorism charges. Now they are planned to be deported instead.

  • Death of Francoise Hardy

    Francoise Hardy 1966. Photo: AP

    The French singer Francoise Hardy has died, writes Le Soir.

    She died on Tuesday evening after a long illness, her son announced on social media, according to the newspaper.

    She was 80 years old.

  • Hezbollah leader killed in Lebanon

    At least four people, including a leader of the terrorist group Hezbollah, have been killed in an Israeli attack in southern Lebanon.

    This is stated by several security sources for the Reuters news agency.

    A Lebanese military source tells AP that the commander died in an air raid.

    He is said to be the highest-ranking member of Hezbollah killed since the war broke out in Gaza.

  • Musk drops lawsuit against Open AI

    Elon Musk, the world’s richest man. Archive image. Photo: Czarek Sokolowski/AP/TT

    Tesla founder Elon Musk withdraws his lawsuit against AI pioneer Open AI and its founders Sam Altman and Greg Brockman.

    Musk accused Altman and Brockman of acting in violation of the company’s bylaws by being too focused on making a profit and becoming a kind of subsidiary of Microsoft.

    Particular criticism was directed at the restructuring of Open AI’s management last year, when Altman was first pushed from the role of CEO but then regained the post after a purge of the company’s board.

    The lawsuit was filed in a California court in March.

  • Israel: Hamas rejects hostage deal

    Israel says Hamas has rejected Biden’s proposed hostage deal, Reuters reports, citing Israeli authorities.

    Earlier today it was reported that Hamas had accepted the UN resolution on a ceasefire.

    But now the Israeli spokesperson claims that Hamas must have changed important points in the proposal.

  • Suspected shooting at Burger King

    Photo: Blåljus Sthlm

    A shooting must have occurred at a Burger King restaurant in Akalla western Stockholm, according to Aftonbladet’s information.

    – We are working on a suspicious shooting. The information we received is approximately that there has been an explosion and people are running around. But we have not found anyone injured, says police spokesperson Daniel Wikdahl.

    According to him, the suspected crime took place outdoors.

    – We have several patrols that work in the area.

    According to Aftonbladet’s information, loud bangs were heard and then people were seen running from the scene.

  • Large water leak north of Stockholm

    Many residents in Sundbyberg and Solna, north of Stockholm, are currently without water after a water leak.

    “The water is now diverted via alternative pipes. This mainly affected subscribers in Solna and Sundbyberg, who may have experienced low pressure and no water. Now the water is on its way back,” Norrvatten writes on its website.

    The leak occurred around 8:30 p.m.

  • Unicef: Thousands of children are at risk of dying in Gaza

    Close to 3,000 children in southern Gaza are at risk of dying after their treatment for malnutrition has been stopped, the UN children’s agency Unicef ​​says.

    People’s access to care continues to be affected by the violence and that people are forced to flee, the agency announces in a press release.

    “Horrible images continue to emerge from Gaza of children dying in front of their families due to the continued lack of food. . . and the destruction of healthcare services,” said Adele Khodr, UNICEF Middle East Director, according to the press release.

    There is also a risk that more vulnerable children will become malnourished. Access to humanitarian aid in southern Gaza has declined sharply, while the situation has improved slightly in the north.

  • Several shot at mall in Atlanta

    Four people have been shot in a mall in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

    The city police sign it X

    Everyone must be conscious, and one of them is the suspected perpetrator, the police write further.

    An operation is currently underway at the site.

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    check Ask your questions to the editors here!

  • Has the airport at Palma reopened?


    Yes exactly. It was closed for a while but is now open again. Read more here.

  • Thank you for the eminent Valkompisen! A very good complement. Great with such quick responses. Hope to see him again in other contexts in the future! 😀


    Thank you for testing Valkompisen! It is not at all impossible that he will receive new information in the future. Until then, you can keep asking questions about what’s happening with the EU now, here!

  • Can’t you be a little more specific when you say that something has happened in, for example, southern Stockholm Stockholm, be more specific about the location, you don’t understand where it is southern Stockholm Stockholm you are talking about, which area. You need to be more clear when you write.


    Hey Maya! Sometimes we can’t actually print the exact location and it depends on several different things. For example, if a person has been found dead but relatives have not been helped, then we do not want to risk issuing a death notice by writing in too much detail.

  • A question about the nursing strike related to your article about heavily pregnant Victorija. For me, childbirth and maternity care in particular feel like extremely socially important professions. From what I understand, there are at least two things in the right to strike that should prevent such departments from going on strike? Region Skåne declares that women and children can die. Why haven’t they submitted the question to the committee that decides whether it is socially critical then? I can understand postponing planned procedures, but a woman can’t squeeze until the strike is over?!



    Region Skåne considers the strike to be socially dangerous industrial action. They have therefore requested that the Vårdförbundet withdraw the strike notice.

  • Now you spoiled Gift at first sight again. Oh my God! The program won’t be broadcast until tonight, so you can probably refrain from writing anything until then.

    You have never spoiled before, now two weeks in a row, why are you doing this?


    Hi Per, sorry if you feel like things are revealed before you’ve seen the latest episode! We always try to give a spoiler warning if we release information that not everyone has yet heard on shows like Married at First Sight.

    But we also write for those who want the latest news, so we can release spoilers sometimes.

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