Russia announces date to ban Instagram platform

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

Sanctions continue as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues. Against these, Russia is not sitting idle. This time Instagram for the receipt is drawn.

In the face of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, companies as well as countries are taking great steps. One of them is the roof company. Meta, This angers the Russian administration because of what they have done. In this respect, the country administration, which takes a decision, Facebook after that Instagram It also imposes an access ban. The country accusing Instagram of exclusivity, March 14 announced that access to the platform from within Russia will be cut off. This means another big blow for millions in Russia. We say this because in the country Instagram There are millions of people who do business and earn money through it. So this ban has more than access to photos and videos and that’s really bad it seems.

If we look again at the sanctions decisions taken against Russia in just the past two weeks;

applein Russia last week stop selling products explained. The firm has also introduced some App Store-centric bans. Yesterday, a Russia-based site reported that App Store and iTunes payments were stopped. There is no clear explanation from Apple about this, so there may be an access issue for now, but it’s probably completely banned.

-Sony cut off all hardware and software support to Russia. According to the statement, all PlayStation Store activities will be suspended, as well as PS4/PS5 consoles will also be discontinued.

Visa and MasterCard Russia-based operations suspended.

-TikTokBased in Russia, it stopped uploading new videos to the platform and closed live broadcasts.

-Netflix also followed the footsteps of other companies and Russia decided to stop the operation.

– Purchased by Microsoft Activision Blizzard and game market Epic Games, Stopped sales of games based in Russia. Steam, on the other hand, has not yet taken any steps in this regard.

PayPaldue to violent military attacks Decided to suspend its Russia-based operation.

Samsung, to Russia stop all product shipments explained. Russian citizens are now millions Samsung it will be deprived of the phone, the chip, and the company’s other products.


Spotify, In Russia physically stopping the operation took the decision. The European-based company, which closed its office in Russia, announced that they also blocked advertising content related to the Russian state.

Google also showed his reaction about the process and the company stopped all ad sales.

Microsoft new front based in Russia announced that they have stopped selling their products and services.

Other moves against Russia here is located. Despite all these great steps, the country does not give up the occupation and continues to advance.

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