Russia again threatens Ukrainian grain deal and lists five demands

Russia again threatens Ukrainian grain deal and lists five demands

Russia again threatened on Thursday, April 13, to suspend the agreement on Ukrainian grain exports. Moscow sets five conditions, under penalty of ending, on May 18, this agreement allowing the export of grain, particularly to Africa.

On Thursday 13 April, Moscow posed a new ultimatum on the delicate subject of grain exports from Ukraine. Among its requirements: reconnection to the Swift international banking system of Rosselkhozbank, the Russian bank specializing in agriculture. The country is also asking that deliveries to Russia of agricultural machinery and spare parts be resumed. Obstacles to insuring ships and accessing foreign ports must also be removed.

The Kremlin is also calling for the unfreezing of the assets of Russian companies linked to the agricultural sector located abroad. Finally, the operation of the Togliatti-Odessa pipeline must resume. This pipeline connects Russia to Ukraine and allows the delivery of ammonia, a chemical component widely used in agriculture. ” Without progress to resolve these five systemic problems (…), there can be no question of evoking an extension of the cereals agreement, hammers Russian diplomacy in a press release.

Concluded last July and extended March 19, this agreement makes it possible to export Ukrainian grain via the Black Sea despite the conflict. So far, more than 27 million tonnes of agricultural products have been shipped to third countries, in particular to Africa.
