Russia accuses Ukraine of killing ideologist Alexander Dugin’s daughter

Russia accuses Ukraine of killing ideologist Alexander Dugins daughter

The Russian security services have just made public the conclusions of their investigation. According to the FSB on Monday August 22, this assassination would have been “ prepared and committed by Ukrainian special services “.

With our correspondent in Moscow, Anissa El Jabri

Name of the author, very detailed circumstances: the FSB has just made public the results of its investigation. The Russian security services designate an executor: a Ukrainian citizen born in 1979 and who would have taken refuge just after the crime in Estonia. This woman, according to the FSB, would have arrived on July 23 in Russia with her daughter and they would have both been present at the festival in the suburbs of Moscow where the victim was guest of honor on the day of the murder.

In the meantime, the two defendants even rented an apartment in Moscow in the house where Daria Douguina lived, watched her by following her behind the wheel of a mini cooper using three different registration numbers: one belonging to the pro-Russian separatist Republic of Donetsk on entering Russia, the other from Kazakhstan while being shadowed in Moscow, then the last from Ukraine to exit the country.

Either an assassination described as very well “ prepared and sponsored by Ukrainian special services “. This responsibility of kyiv was mentioned on Sunday August 21 morning by many voices in Russia, including the spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

►Also read: Russia: “Alexander Dugin is not Putin’s Rasputin”
