Rush to Rusta – the low-cost giant brings in millions

Rush to Rusta – the low cost giant brings in millions

The low-price giant Rusta has existed in Sweden only since 1986. That was then Anders Forsgren and Bengt-Olov Forssell who went out into the market hoping to succeed with his new chain of stores. Since then, the store has not only expanded in the home country, but also to Germany, Norway and Finland.

Today sitting Goran Westerberg in the post as CEO.


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The Rusta CEO draws a monster salary – increased income by 146 percent in three years

Rush of customers to Rusta – 850,000 new members

News24 has previously written about Westerberg’s salary, something that reflects the enormous success Rusta has had in recent years. During 2021, Westerberg had an annual loan of a whopping SEK 16.5 million – a salary that would increase significantly.

In May, Rusta was involved in an IT attack that cost the chain SEK 120 million in sales and SEK 70 million in profit.

Despite this, success has not been long in coming.

In an interview with Dagens Industri, Westerberg talks about Rusta’s newfound popularity.

– During the year, we welcomed 850,000 new members to our customer club. Despite an extensive IT incident and an unusually cold and late spring, we still deliver sales growth and somewhat strengthened profitability in our fourth and smallest quarter, he tells the newspaper.

Rusta’s customer club currently has approximately 5.6 million members around the Nordic region.


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That’s how it went for Rusta 2023

According to figures from All companies Rusta’s turnover was SEK 10,418,509,000 in 2023. Profit after net financial items for the same year was SEK 340,662,000.

Westerberg wants to continue expanding the company.

– I am completely convinced that we have a place in the European market, that we fill a gap, he adds DI.
