Running out of money – young people are forced to stop playing football: “What a shame”

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Despite an increased budget, the Stockholm Football Association’s youth fund ran out of money – a month before the application period was to close. This means that young people miss out on receiving financial support for, for example, membership fees, training clothes and football boots. – It’s a shame, the fund means that more children can actually continue playing football, says Björn Eriksson, head of competition at the Stockholm Football Association. The economic situation has hit many parts of society hard, and so has youth football. The Stockholm Football Association’s youth fund is now in its fourth year and never before have so many club members sent in applications as this year. – The pressure on the fund has been three to four times higher than in previous years. Before, we were able to help almost everyone who applied, this year we were able to help maybe 25 percent, says Björn Eriksson. Are there players who can’t afford it? One of the clubs where members previously received a lot of help from the fund and which is now affected by the increased pressure is Tullinge football. – We know that there are players who have quit because they cannot afford it. The fund means a lot to our club because it gives more people the opportunity to continue playing sports, says director of operations Siyamend Freyschuss Turanli. When Tullinge football learned that several of their members were rejected from the youth fund this year, they chose to offer the members financial support from the club. – We have had financial difficulties for the past two years and have to work hard to make it work. But it felt great to be able to help, says Siyamend Freyschuss Turanli. Negative consequences Björn Eriksson testifies that there are some associations that have difficulty paying their fees and have therefore asked for a postponement of their invoices. – I guess that the associations find it difficult to collect all membership fees on time or in full, he says. According to Siyamend Freyschuss Turanli, it can lead to several negative consequences if young people cannot afford to continue playing sports. – You can see how badly a child who does not move is feeling. Then we also see the problems with gang crime and what young people do when they have nothing to do in their spare time, he says. In the player above: Björn Eriksson tells more about the gloomy news.
