Running: Henrik Larsson injured – had to withdraw from the final in Turku

Henrik Larsson got off to a lousy start in the trial heat of 100 meters in Turku, Finland today, finishing in 10.15 in a strong tailwind.

But when it was time for the final, he was not on the starting line. The reason: Problems with the back of the thigh.

– I’ve had experience of it before and it’s never been anything really serious, but it’s something that has calmed down in a week or two each time, he says to The evening paperand adds:

– So I’m not worried in that way, but now with the Olympics six weeks away, I certainly don’t want to take any risks at all.

– It usually comes out of nowhere and then it just disappears. It’s a bit illogical, but you have to accept that as an elite athlete.

“A safety measure”

He will, however, be x-rayed when he returns to Sweden, but describes it as a safety measure.

– It is a safety measure so that you can really rule out that it is nothing serious and compare with previous pictures.
