Rumor: Discord is coming to PlayStation consoles

Rumor Discord is coming to PlayStation consoles

There are rumors that Discord, a dominant communication application on the PC platform, will come to PlayStation consoles.

It has become the number one communication platform of the players. Discord may come to PlayStation consoles. The application, which has dominated the market on the PC platform for a long time, has become quite common due to its usefulness and freeware. However, since the bots in it help a lot to customize the user experience, its popularity and usage areas are increasing. If you remember, a bot even started to translate the words you typed into pictures last month.

Discord rumored to be coming to PlayStation consoles

A report from Exputer suggests that multiple sources have made some claims about a Discord & PlayStation integration in the future. Although no specific date has been given, it is said that this may happen in the coming months. It is claimed that players on PS4 and PS5 will be able to communicate with their friends via Discord, just as Xbox and PC players do. It is said that this could happen before the end of the year.

The reason why there is no specific release date is shown as the feature is currently being tested. It is also among the rumors that the development process is going very well. It is stated that Discord & PlayStation integration will appear in front of the players within the PS5 7.00 update. The last 5.50 version update was released for the console, and it is claimed that the 6.00 update will come in mid-September.

Of course, on the console side, it has not been officially released for Xbox yet. It is in the testing phase so that users who are members of the Xbox Insider program can test it. Currently, however, PlayStation users can link their accounts to PSN Network. In this way, your friends on other platforms will be able to see which PlayStation game you are playing on Discord. This account linking event will probably be one of the actions you need to do when the voice communication program Discord is moved to the PS console in the future.
