Rulli: “Asensio’s action against Iborra is a red kick”

Rulli Asensios action against Iborra is a red kick

Villarreal goalkeeper Gerónimo Rulli was critical of Sánchez Martínez’s arbitration and considers that the Madrid striker should have been sent off.

What feeling do you have after the point?

A strange feeling, we said it in the locker room. The first half we did a lot of things well. We generated almost all scoring chances. But after the break they were better, they squeezed us and took the ball away from us. The result ends up being fair. We were two teams that wanted to win. I think it was a nice football game.

What happened in the second half, where you had a great game?

I don’t know if it happened to us as much as Real Madrid also plays. They took the ball from us and there it was. We lost that precision in the pass and they are the leaders.

The point keeps them in the fight…

Yes, when you can’t win, the important thing is not to lose. We played twice against Madrid and we didn’t lose either and they didn’t score a goal. That speaks well of the team. We lay the foundations from there. It is a point that serves and that gives us the script to continue working.

The team competes and scores against those above. Is the challenge to do it against the underdogs?

We compete face to face against any rival. But yes, we have set ourselves the goal of scoring more points against those above us, because in the first round we didn’t score as many as we wanted.

Are you happy with your performance?

Work is what gives everything. I am happy because things are turning out the way I want.

In Madrid they complain about an action with Vinicius to Abiol and you about Asensio’s stomping on Iborra…

I really saw it very clearly, the one that stomped on Iborra. I approach the referee because I see that it is a red kick. I don’t see Raúl’s because I’m hitting the ball, but I know Raúl and I know it was a clash. But I’m not the one to talk about the referee’s mistakes, they are people and they can make mistakes.
