Ruka’s race is full of chaos – Iivo Niskanen and Perttu Hyvärinen disagree on the reform

Rukas race is full of chaos Iivo Niskanen and

Ruka is competing in cross-country skiing for the first time in a joint start. On Sunday, there will be 20 kilometers of free skiing. Not everyone is looking forward to the joint start race.

Roope Visuri,

Laura Arffman

The Ruka World Cup ends on Sunday with the joint start races. The Finnish top names of the joint Eero Hirvonen and Ilkka Herola were not looking forward to theirs.

The skiers interviewed by Urheilu didn’t show much enthusiasm either. In skiing, there will be a 20-kilometer free-skiing joint start competition.

Last year, the combined start race drew criticism because it is difficult to tear apart the differences on the Ruka track. However, the International Ski Federation announced at the end of September that this year there will also be a joint start competition in cross-country skiing. In skiing, the joint start competition is now for the first time in the program of Ruka’s goal man cup.

On Saturday, the American surprised with his traditional second place Rosie Brennan was otherwise sunny and praised Ruka, but was worried about Sunday’s competition.

Brennan expects chaos.

– I’m not sure that this track is suitable for a joint start. I’m nervous about it. I usually prefer to ski alone. It will be chaotic, but hopefully we will all get through it, Brennan told Urheilu.

Also Iivo Niskanen downloaded direct words. He does not consider going out together as the most preferred option for Ruka.

– Last year, the joint departure of the combined group already showed that. I was surprised why there was now a joint start in skiing, and not a chase like before, Niskanen said, but he hoped he was wrong.

Niskanen believes in crowded competition and sees that those who are able to finish will like it.

– Hopefully there will be bangs to untie at the end. I believe that there is a way to cope. That’s how much I’ve done in freestyle skiing. It’s still interesting to see what kind of giri comes out. We are trying to get a maddened rage in the last rise, Niskanen stated.

Kerttu Niskanen succinctly summed up his view of the 20 kilometer joint start race.

– The trip is good, but the track is bad for it, Kerttu Niskanen commented.

Finland’s top skiers Perttu Hyvärinen expressed a dissenting opinion.

– It’s nice when we ski together. It has such a buzz. Time goes fast. That’s not it. Quite nice. I like that kind of nagging. Here too, Hyvärinen described.

Sports expert Aino-Kaisa Saarinen skiers should keep a cool head and a clear mind on Sunday.

– This kind of competition is not anyone’s favorite competition. Everyone knows the spirit of the game. Maybe this will be interesting for viewers, Saarinen points out.

He immediately sees the danger spot on the first landing. According to the expert, it can reach a speed of 60 kilometers per hour.

– Let’s hope that no one falls. That could have bad consequences, Saarinen pointed out.

Krista Pärmäkoski was also among the presenters of a more moderate position. His biggest fear was related to things other than crashes.

– Let’s see what kind of frost it will be. It’s a bit scary here, Pärmäkoski said.

The FIS frost limit for competing is 20 degrees below zero. Around 17 degrees below zero was predicted for the skiing competitions on Friday evening.

Ruka World Cup program, Sunday:

  • 9.50 Sports Studio
  • 9.55 Combined, skiing, joint start, 10 km
  • 10.55 Skiing, 20 km (year), joint start, women
  • 13.30 Skiing, 20 km (year), joint start, men
  • 14.25 Combined, ski jumping
  • 15.45 Hill jumping, qualifying
  • 17.10 Hill jumping, competition, 1st round
  • 18.25 Hill jumping, competition, 2nd round
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