Ruja Ignatova on the FBI’s most wanted list – disappeared in 2017

Ruja Ignatova started the company OneCoin ten years ago, a company that sold its own cryptocurrency – which did not exist. She and her partner managed to trick millions of people worldwide into investing in a cryptocurrency that never existed.

Over three million people are believed to have invested money in the currency, and at least SEK 40 billion went up in smoke. American authorities suspect that investors lost around 4.5 billion dollars, which corresponds to 46 billion Swedish kronor.

Swede Sebastian Greenwood was a co-founder of OneCoin. He was arrested in Thailand in 2018 and sentenced to 20 years in prison in New York last year. It is one of the biggest international frauds with a Swede at the head.

On the FBI’s most wanted list – may be dead

But Ruja Ignatova has been missing since 2017. It was when Ruja Ignatova, who was born in Bulgaria and raised in Germany, took a plane from Sofia to Athens that she was last seen, according to the BBC. She is on the FBI’s most wanted list and over 50 million Swedish kronor is offered to whoever finds her.

But new information such as BBC taken note of indicates that Ruja Ignatova may have been murdered. According to documents and people familiar with the case, the man who was responsible for Ruja Ignatova’s personal security may be the one behind her death.

The BBC further writes that the man is supposed to be a leading drug lord in Bulgaria and leaked documents from Europol that the British public service company has seen show that there are connections between him and Ruja Ignatova.

Bulgarian police suspect that OneCoin may have been used to launder money from drug trafficking.
