“Rugby is a very powerful tool to spread values”

Carlos Sainz and Audi history present and future in the


The III Awards Iberdrola Exceeds, among hundreds of applications, chose the ‘Avanvando Unidas’ project of the Pingüinos de Burgos rugby club as the winner in the Competition category. This Burgos rugby club is made up of women, players and directors with a clear purpose: to facilitate the incorporation of women into the competition in any of its modalities. The tabs increase progressively and they look for a space where they can do what they like the most: play rugby. We chatted with Ángela Calvo, captain of the team.

When did you decide to form the team?

5 years ago we decided to form the club with the aim of making rugby a reference sport in Burgos for all women. Since then we have played three promotion phases to the Division of Honor B and we have significantly increased the number of chips. Our goal is to continue adding quarry and finally promote.

Rugby is a very powerful tool to spread values



How many days do you train and in what conditions?

5 years ago we decided to form the club with the aim of making rugby a reference sport in Burgos for all women

Ángela Calvo, captain of the Burgos Penguins

We normally train three days a week in two different fields. One of natural grass, which the University lends us and has no sticks; and the other is the city’s rugby field, Bienvenido Nieto. The problem with training in the latter is that we normally have to share it with other teams and that means that we can only use the entire field for one hour a week.

How many are you?

Right now we have 45 tiles. For the first time we have a complete training team, where the newly arrived girls and some more experienced girls who prefer, for different reasons, not to compete with the other team, the senior team, compete. In the latter, we are about 23-25 ​​and we are currently looking to play, again, in the promotion phase to División de Honor B. The teams that win their regional leagues reach this promotion phase. Although ours in Castilla y León has not yet finished, we are in first position, unbeaten and working hard to stay that way.

Recognition by Iberdrola allows us to dream, gives us motivation to keep going

Ángela Calvo, captain of the Burgos Penguins

What is the next step once Iberdrola’s award has been achieved?

Mainly consolidate and reinforce the quarry. We try to transfer the spirit of the club to all the girls who are arriving. We are a club managed by players or former players and we must all do our bit to get ahead. Although it is also fair to mention Eduardo Ortiz, for us Pawswithout him the Club would not function as it does.

How do you feel when you receive this recognition from Iberdrola?

We feel happy. It allows us to dream, it gives us motivation to keep going. In the end, none of us dedicate ourselves professionally to this, we invest, with pleasure, a lot of time in the club and these things give encouragement. They allow you the luxury of reaffirming that our dreams and goals make sense. We feel more motivated, there is no doubt.

What does rugby mean in your life?

Rugby is for me a very powerful tool to spread values ​​such as solidarity, respect or camaraderie, which make the world a little better. On the other hand, I cannot ignore the fact that rugby has allowed me to feel emotions that no other sphere of life has provided me. Let me explain, I feel the purest feeling of pride for something on the field when I see my teammates tackle, try or make a good play. But also when I see them welcome any new girl or work together to carry out an event. The joy that winning some games has given me is also very special. And finally, on a more personal level, it allows me to escape from anything. When I play rugby, I play rugby, there is nothing else in my head. And today it is not easy to carry out a task without having three or four others in mind.

*This content offered by IBERDROLA has been prepared by Diario AS.
