Ruffin really frees himself from LFI, Bardella’s project for Bercy – L’Express

Ruffin really frees himself from LFI Bardellas project for Bercy

9:02 p.m., Sunday, June 9. France is plunged into a dizzying unknown, after the presidential announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly. Since then, the campaign has been in full swing to elect the 577 deputies who will make up the National Assembly and who will shape the future majority that will govern the country.

This Thursday, July 4, while Jordan Bardella is thinking about the possible structure he would give to the Ministry of Economy if he arrives at Matignon, François Ruffin is announcing his break with La France insoumise (LFI). After her attack, Prisca Thevenot is back on the campaign trail. Also attacked in her stronghold of Haute-Savoie, Marie Dauchy has been prescribed eight days of ITT.

Today’s announcement: divorce between LFI and Ruffin consummated

Rumors of his departure grew as the campaign progressed. “I will leave La France Insoumise,” François Ruffin reportedly said to his entourage at the end of June. The person concerned denied this a few hours later. But since then, the exchanges have become more heated between his close friends and those of Jean-Luc Mélenchon… Until François Ruffin announced this Thursday morning that he would not sit on the benches of the rebellious deputies if he were to be re-elected next Sunday. And to say what had not escaped anyone for months: “My disagreements with Jean-Luc Mélenchon […] are profound about democracy, about sound and fury rather than quiet strength.”

READ ALSO: LFI and its purge worth several thousand euros, this decision which divides the Greens

This Jean-Luc Mélenchon, whom he described a year ago as “the man without whom the left would probably have died in this country”, is today reduced to the status of “ball and chain” and “obstacle to voting”: “In lands like here, in working-class provincial lands, it’s blocked”, specified the candidate of the New Popular Front (NFP), in difficulty in his constituency against the RN.

Today’s promise: Bardella and his “Bercy” project

Towards a big bang at the Ministry of Economy? If he manages to access Matignon, Jordan Bardella would not be against the resizing of certain ministerial portfolios. Bercy would be one of them.

READ ALSO: Jordan Bardella’s new speech will not please Marine Le Pen, by Thibault Muzergues

In an interview with the Figarothe candidate for the post of Prime Minister announced that he wanted to divide the Ministry of Economy and Finance. The Bercy fortress would thus be held by a ministerial couple with well-defined roles. One will have the mission “to put the State’s accounts in order and bring the country back to budgetary reason”, while the other “will be specifically responsible for growth”. And Jordan Bardella clarified: “that is to say, Competitiveness, Industry and Energy.” All this of course, without revealing the identity of the “names at the top”. That is to say, we should not spoil the “wow” effect.

Today’s story: several candidates and activists attacked

Handing out leaflets at a market, putting up posters, and getting attacked. This is the risk that activists and politicians are exposing themselves to during this election period. On Wednesday evening, Renaissance activists accompanied by the government spokesperson and candidate in Hauts-de-Seine, Prisca Thevenot, and her substitute, were attacked by “a small group of young people”.

READ ALSO: France, an angry nation: how emotions guided the RN and NFP vote

To our colleagues at ParisianPrisca Thevenot recounts the scene that took place “very, very quickly” and explains that she informed them “without any aggression” that defacing posters was forbidden. But “immediately”, the group of young people allegedly attacked one of their activists “injuring Virginie (Lanlo, Editor’s note) in the process”. The deputy government spokesperson came away with “a wound on her arm”. One activist reportedly suffered a fractured jaw.

The incident is part of a growing list of attacks on elected officials and candidates. A few hours earlier, Marie Dauchy, a National Front candidate in Haute-Savoie, was attacked by “a local shopkeeper” while she was handing out leaflets at a market. After “repeatedly threatening to kill her”, the man “is said to have insulted her and tried to violently snatch the leaflets she was holding from her hand, nearly knocking her to the ground twice due to her resistance”, the Chambéry prosecutor’s office said.

READ ALSO: Macron, Attal, Le Maire, Darmanin… Behind the scenes, relations more “execrable” than ever

In Isère this Thursday, one of the deputy mayors of La Tronche, aged 77, was violently beaten “by a rebel” while he was putting up posters for the Macronist candidate in the first constituency, who is none other than… Olivier Véran. On X, the former Minister of Health reiterated his support “for Bernard, an activist of values ​​committed to his community, a valued deputy, a loyal friend”.

Today’s poll: RN ever further from an absolute majority

Jordan Bardella could wait before getting the keys to Matignon. Because for the National Rally and its allies, the prospect of an absolute majority is moving away as the election deadline approaches. According to a poll Harris Interactive published at the end of the day on Wednesday, the RN could obtain some 190 seats. 220 at most. Far from the 289 necessary for an absolute majority.

Last week, the same polling institute estimated that the Frontists could claim to win between 240 and 295 constituencies. But in the meantime, the first round has taken place, and its results have led to more than 220 withdrawals, thus causing the number of three-way and four-way races to fall from 306 to 89.
