RTÜK warns digital platforms in Turkey

Radio and Television Supreme Council well RTÜK, He warned digital platforms operating in Turkey without giving a name.

The statement made by the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) is as follows: it happened: “As everyone knows, the Radio and Television Supreme Council regulates and supervises the radio, television and on-demand broadcasting services in our country. Radio and television license, frequency, etc. The Supreme Council, which legally regulates its operations, is also responsible for the control of broadcast content. Our Supreme Council has meticulously carried out the regulatory activities of the on-demand broadcasting field on the Internet and has accelerated the content controls of this field, as in all broadcasts. Our monitoring experts carefully follow the platform broadcasts in question. Recently, we have received many complaints from our citizens regarding these platforms. Many citizen notifications have entered our records through channels such as Hello 178 RTÜK Communication Line and CIMER. RTÜK’s always expressed red lines are clear.


– Our Supreme Council, which does not compromise on national security, never allows terrorism and terrorist propaganda in broadcasts.

-The Supreme Board does not allow broadcast content that may adversely affect the mental and physical development of children and young people.

– Our Supreme Council, which does not allow the abuse of women and children in its broadcasts, makes positive discrimination to the elderly, disabled and disadvantaged groups.

– RTÜK, which observes our national and moral values, is extremely sensitive to harmful broadcast content that will harm the family institution, which it considers sacred.

-RTÜK fights fiercely against substance abuse, which threatens our future.

In addition to our traditional publishers, internet-based platforms have been violating too many publishing principles lately. Our state, our esteemed President and the people who hurt our family institution, attack our moral and cultural values, contain deviant relations that threaten social health, insult our religious values ​​in humor programs, Publications made against Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of our republic, are NOT ACCEPTABLE. RTÜK, which carries out the “open door” communication policy as required by the administration, sees using its sanction power as a last resort. Our Supreme Council, which prefers the way of dialogue with its interlocutors, carries out the solution of possible problems within the framework of mutual understanding. However, if our good faith efforts are ignored or our constructive warnings are not respected, RTÜK will not hesitate to impose the heaviest sanctions. It is announced to the public with our respect.”
