Volunteers will be at commercial locations around Sarnia Saturday and Sunday pinning poppies and collecting donations for the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 62 poppy campaign.
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Volunteers will be at commercial locations around Sarnia Saturday and Sunday pinning poppies and collecting donations for the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 62 poppy campaign.
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Past-president Les Jones said this year’s poppy campaign officially began Oct. 27.
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“We had volunteers delivering boxes through the city,” he said.
The self-serve boxes set out at businesses and other locations allow the public to leave a donation and take a poppy to wear in the days leading up to Remembrance Day, Nov. 11.
“There’s probably close to, I’d say, around 100 boxes through the community,” Jones said.
“The poppy has been a symbol of remembrance since 1921 in Canada,” he said. “We would ask people to wear a poppy during this time to remember the sacrifices that Canadian men and women have made in the service of their country.”
Approximately 75 or more volunteers are scheduled to be at 23 commercial locations Saturday and Sunday handing out poppies and collecting donations.
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Joining veterans will be other legion members, cadets and some players with the Sarnia Legionnaires hockey team, Jones said.
Last year’s poppy campaign in Sarnia raised more than $84,000, Jones said. “That money is used to assist veterans and their families in the community.”
Remembrance Day, Nov. 11, is a Saturday this year so Jones said legion officials are hoping to see a large number of school-age children attending the parade in Sarnia and ceremony at the cenotaph in Veterans Park, next to the Sarnia Library.
“We know that a lot of them learn about it in school but it would be nice if they’re able to be down to the ceremony at Veterans Park,” he said.
Remembrance Day ceremonies are traditionally well attended in Sarnia.
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“We’re always amazed at the turnout we get along the parade route and also at the cenotaph,” Jones said.
“We’ll be meeting here at the legion to form up the parade at about 10:15 am,” he said.
The Branch 62 hall, at 286 Front St. N., is the traditional starting point for the parade that travels through Sarnia’s downtown to the cenotaph on Wellington Street.
“At 10:35 am, the parade steps off and we try to time it to get to the cenotaph just shortly before 11 am,” Jones said. “We’ll have the usual ceremony with wreath laying.”
The public will be invited to visit the legion hall following the ceremony for refreshments, he said.
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