Roxana Ruiz acquitted of murder in Mexico after rape

Roxana Ruiz was convicted of murder after she killed her rapist in self-defense two years ago.
The verdict led to massive protests in Mexico.
Now the prosecutor announces that she is acquitted of the murder charges, AP writes.

Two years ago, the now 23-year-old mother of young children Roxana Ruiz was attacked and raped in Mexico. She was assaulted in her home by a man she was familiar with, writes the AP news agency. Roxana tried to defend herself, which led to the man’s death.

The case has since been investigated by the authorities in Mexico. Two weeks ago, the court announced that Roxana Ruiz was guilty of murder, due to “excessive use of legitimate self-defense.”

The court sentenced her to about six years in prison. Roxana Ruiz was also sentenced to pay the equivalent of approximately SEK 173,000 to the rapist’s family. The verdict led to massive protests in Mexico.

“Disappointed in the legal system”

Several organizations have been outraged by the verdict. During large demonstrations in Mexico City, people carried signs with the text “Defending my life is not a crime”.

In connection with the verdict, Roxana Ruiz spoke about the incident. She told, among other things, that she had received death threats because of the case.

– I feel bad, I feel sad and I feel very disappointed in the legal system which, despite proving that I was raped, sentenced me to a sentence of six years, two months and seven days in prison, she said according to The European News Exchange .

The new decision: Frias

After the large protests, the prosecutor has now announced that they are withdrawing the sentence against Roxana Ruiz, AP writes. The public prosecutor’s office writes in a press release that they investigated the case and agreed that Roxana is “exonerated from guilt”.

– This means they recognize her innocence. It is an admission that she was simply defending herself, the 23-year-old’s lawyer Ángel Carrera told the news agency after the decision.
