Rosenqvist wants to stay – “Clarified my wish”

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McLaren and Felix Rosenqvist said in June they had agreed a deal where Rosenqvist would either continue to drive Indycar in 2023 or become a mainstay when the team launches its Formula E team next season.

But as Rosenqvist has gotten better, his desire to stay in IndyCar has grown.

“I have made clear my desire to remain in IndyCar to Zak (the team manager of the team). It does not mean that I am not interested in Formula E, because it is a major championship in which I have competed successfully,” Rosenqvist said in a statement according to AP.

He is now a pawn in the game where former Indycar champion Alex Palou wants to leave the Chip Ganassi stable to move to McLaren next season.

If Palou becomes available, Rosenqvist would likely be forced out of McLaren. Then Palou, Pato O’Ward and Alexander Rossi are expected to become the team’s drivers in Indycar, and Palou is also expected to become the team’s reserve driver in Formula 1.

McLaren team manager Zak Brown tells the AP news agency that he is prepared to let Rosenqvist go if he finds a solution.

“I understand that Zak has some difficult business decisions to make and that he has an option for my services for next season. I stand by what we announced in June,” says Rosenqvist.
