Rosemary essential oil: memory, hair, how to use it

Rosemary essential oil memory hair how to use it

There are 3 kinds of rosemary essential oil. Each has different properties and a mode of use. Focus on the three rosemary essential oils and their benefits.

What are the benefits of rosemary essential oil?

We cannot talk about rosemary essential oil (Salvia rosmarinus) in general. “There are 3 chemotypes (the molecules produced by the plant differ according to the terroir) which do not have the same properties and therefore have different indications“explains Dr. Françoise Couic-Marinier, doctor of pharmacy, trainer in herbal medicine and aromatherapy. The best known and most used rosemary essential oil is therosemary essential oil with 1.8 cineole also called Eucalyptol. “It has two major properties: it is a pulmonary expectorant and a brain oxygenator” informs Dr. Couic-Marinier. The second essential oil of rosemary is camphor or camphor rosemary essential oil. “This essential oil can be used for prepare the muscle for effort or warm up the joints thanks to its heating properties” describes the pharmacist. The third type of rosemary essential oil is verbenone rosemary essential oil. “It has the property of being above all a hepatic and digestive regenerator” teaches Dr. Couic-Marinier.

Rosemary picture © jelenazikic79-123RF

Is it effective in boosting memory?

It is the essential oil with 1.8 cineole or Eucalyptol which stimulates the intellect, the memory.She increases mathematical storage storage, filing, accounting” explains Dr Couic-Marinier. “This has been tested in math students and people with early Alzheimer’s disease” she clarifies.

Is it effective against hair loss?

Rosemary essential oil with 1.8 cineole has a interest in hair. It allows them to fortify and act on their fall. “This essential oil helps tooxygenate the hair bulb“explains Dr. Couic-Marinier. His advice: put 30 drops of rosemary EO at 1.8 cineole in 100ml of shampoo and make a hair mask with 1 tablespoon ofjojoba oil or 1 tablespoon of castor oil (vegetable oils that promote hair growth) with 15 drops of rosemary EO at 1.8 cineole before shampooing

How to use rosemary essential oil depends on the chemotype. “Rosemary essential oil with 1.8 cineole is inhaled to stimulate the memory, and diluted mass (in vegetable oil) on the thorax when used for its pulmonary expectorant properties” informs Dr. Couic-Marinier. Camphorated rosemary essential oil dilute mass on the areas to be heated. Verbebone rosemary essential oil is used diluted for application to the hair.

What are the side effects of rosemary essential oil?

There may be a allergy to this essential oil, as to other essential oils. “Therefore it is recommended to test this essential oil like all essential oils on the bend of the elbow” indicates the pharmacist. “Rosemary essential oil can be a little exciting too because of the camphor” she adds.

What are the contraindications of rosemary essential oil?

Rosemary essential oil 1.8 cineole, rosemary essential oil camphor and rosemary essential oil verbenone cannot be used in children before the age of 6 years, in pregnant women breastfeeding and people with epilepsy.It should also be avoided for people with asthmabecause of camphor and cineole“Informs Dr. Couic-Marinier.

Thanks to Dr Couic-Marinier, doctor of pharmacy, trainer in herbal medicine and aromatherapy and author of the book The living Earth guide to essential oils, Editions Terre vivant, 2020
