Roof windows: towards a more sustainable future?

Roof windows towards a more sustainable future

Bringing natural light and renewing the interior air, roof windows play an essential role in furnished attics. Designed in a sustainable approach, they contribute to our well-being and our health.

Consequence of global warming, the construction of houses increasingly incorporates the concept ofeco-responsibility. Local materials, construction techniques, production ofenergy… THE’carbon footprint of new constructions is destined to be reduced in order to be more respectful of the environment. In old housing, this approach is often more complex to implement but it can also be initiated. Either it’s about insulation work, extensions, it is possible to choose “clean” materials.

Towards a bright and healthy home

The concept ofsustainable habitat today integrates the notions of space and light. Two points in line with the needs of the French to live outside. In the house, roof windows fully meet these expectations. Indeed, they open the roof widely to the outside while allowing a maximum of natural light. They also participate in theventilation of the house. An essential point since theair inside homes is between five and ten times more polluted than outside!

Roof windows play the health and environmental card

In the converted attic, the roof windows play a decisive role both for the contribution of light and for the air quality. By letting natural light in, they contribute to our health and well-being. In fact, natural light regulates our biological rhythm and plays on our mood … Roof windows also meet the need for indoor air renewal by allowing air circulation in the attic. Note that to limit this pollution, the roof windows of the VELUX Group display an A + in the classification ofVOC emission (the same for the polyurethane models).

A low carbon design

For 80 years, the VELUX Group has paid particular attention to nature preservation. The company manufactures its roof windows only using drink PEFC / FSC certified. In order to reduce its footprint carbon, the VELUX Group aims, by 2030, to reduce the carbon footprint of its products by 50% and to stop the plastic in its packaging. A desire which has already been materialized by the creation of a partnership with the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature). In addition, the company commits by 2041 to capture all CO emissions2 generated by its activities and to sustainably preserve forests.

The planet is facing a serious climate crisis and this requires extraordinary action

As David Briggs, CEO of the VELUX Group explains: “ The planet is facing a serious climatic and natural crisis and this requires extraordinary action. In line with our values, we strive to do more than most, which is why we have developed the concept of carbon neutrality for life. This is a new concept of innovative engagement involving a 20-year partnership with the WWF to capture the equivalent of our historic carbon emissions by 2041. We will also significantly reduce our future CO emissions2 and ask our suppliers to do the same. We hope that other companies will be inspired to become “Carbon Neutral for Life” to create a sustainable future for all. “

Durable roof windows

Designed with a material Durable, the roof windows of the VELUX Group have an estimated longevity of between 25 and 30 years! To survive the decades, their roof windows have three qualities:

  • easy to maintain;
  • easy to repair;
  • 100% recyclable.

Arguments that anchor the roof windows of the VELUX Group in a real logic of durability, the exact opposite of “disposable” products which should no longer have their place.

The VELUX Group is committed to a sustainable lifestyle with roof windows designed to last. © VELUX

Article produced in partnership with the VELUX Group teams.

What you must remember

  • In less than 10 years, the manufacture of roof windows for the VELUX Group will generate half the CO2 than today.
  • The VELUX Group undertakes to replant one tree for each tree used.
  • Natural light and indoor air quality are two essential points for living well at home.

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