Romanian first name: more than 60 charming ideas

Romanian first name more than 60 charming ideas

Angelica, Radiu, Ovinu, Costinel… Here are the best Romanian names to give to your baby.

Romania is known for its splendid mountains and forests. But, we know less about its medieval culture, its literary heritage, its language, which are so many riches of South East Europe. Romania has a very nice library of first names which can be rare, original, intended for boys as well as girls. THE romanian first names will delight all tastes and all requirements, with their delicacy and originality. If you are looking for a Romanian first name for girl or boyknow that they are melodious, tender and varied.

Romanian female first names

Romanian female first names are sometimes charged with a very beautiful meaning. Religion is very present in the etymologies of Romanian first names. Like at Angelicawhich refers to angelism, in Gabriellawhich means “force of god”, or Christina issue of Christ and Mihaela which means “like god”. Others refer to nature, such as Horia which means “fire”, and Florica which refers to spring, or Violeta which symbolizes the violet flower. For her part, Roxana means “shining like the dawn”. There are also other nice references that are Anita, Aurélia, Corina, Brigitta, Camélia, Daria, Elena, Elisabeta, Ioana, Ilinca, Elina.

Romanian male first names

THE male romanian first names also have their delicacy. They sometimes want to refer to light, as with Luketo the stone and the mountains that run through the land, with Peter, equivalent of Pierre in French. Religion is also present here, with Bogdan which means “given by god”, or Demetriu, heir to the goddess Demeter. They are varied, sweet and sometimes ancient too, as evidenced by Alexandru, Abel, Dorian, Pompiliu, Eduard (which has its French equivalent) or Tiberius And You sleep. There is of course also George, Han, Dominic, Cristian, Cosmin, Dragos, Dumitru, Iulian, Lucian.

What are the rare Romanian first names?

In boys, as in girls, there are rare romanian first names. Dragomir is not worn by many boys, like Radu, Ovidius or Costinel which are rarities from the library of Romanian first names.

On the girls’ side, the ones we see less often are Florica, Otilia, Horia which refers to fire. Raluca, viorica, anca or even Rodica are other references of relatively rare first names too.

What are the most common first names of Romanian origin?

Among girls, the most common Romanian names are Mara, Daniela, Timéa, Monica, Aurélia, Angelica, Loréna, Daria, Anita. There are also other very popular first names like Alina, Anastasia, Ana, Camellia, Elena, Valentina.

For boys, some Romanian first names are also very popular! We think of Vlad, a great classic! But also in Gabi, Ionut, Ioan, Peter Or Florin. DorianVictor, Marisu, Omar, Adrian, Dominic and Alexandru are other must-sees in Romania.

These first names from Romania in 3 letters

Three-letter first names are not the most common in Romania. We still find a few. This is the case for boys with first names Dan, IonRad, Han, or even Val.

In girls, we note Ana, Ina, Ona, Ela which are other first names in three letters, very short and easy to assign.

How do you say the first name “Pierre” in Romanian?

In Romanian, Pierre takes the form of “Petre”. The two first names have the same Greek origin, which is also written “petre” and which means “little pebble”. In Italian, the first name is also similar, it is Pietro.

How do you say the first name “Jean” in Romanian?

Unlike Pierre, the first name Jean, which is a classic both in France and in Romania, is not said at all in the same way. The Romanian version is by Jean est Blugi.
