Rolf Schimpf, who played the main character of the Kettu series, is dead | Brief news

Rolf Schimpf who played the main character of the Kettu

German actress Rolf Schimpf has died at the age of centenary.

20: 27 • Updated 20:48

German actress who played Leo Kress, the main character of the Kettu TV series, the crime commissioner Leo Kress Rolf Schimpf has died at the age of 100.

This is confirmed by the actor’s good friend to German media. Among other things Frankfurter allgememeine.

Schimpf is particularly familiar with his police role in the Kettu TV series (German Der Alte), which was also very popular in Finland. Schimpf began to play the lead role of the series in the late 1980s and continued in the role until 2007.

Schimpf lived a long life: he served in World War II in Nazi Germany’s Sturmartillerie troops and began studying after the war in Stuttgart.

Schimpf has three children from his marriage in 2015 Ilse Zielstorff with. Schimpf suffered from dementia for the rest of his life and lived in a retirement home due to financial difficulties.
