Roihuttaret beat the reigning Finnish champion | Sports in a nutshell

Roihuttaret beat the reigning Finnish champion Sports in a

Three matches were played in the Women’s Super Pess on Wednesday.

Helsinki Roihutaret beat Pori Pesäkarhut in front of their home crowd in periods 2–1k (3–1, 3–10, 1–0) in the Women’s Supernest.

The Helsinki team returned to the main league in the 2021 season, and the people of Pori had won all the matches since then. Also in 2013–2014, when Roihuttarien played last time in Superpesis, Pesäkarhut was stronger in every encounter.

The visitors take the lead in their first inning Emilia Linnan when going home Johanna Pirskanen. With the equalizer in the second inning, Roihuttaret rose to level Life Murman’s on the beat, when the burning throw flew past the nesting bear’s locker Minttu Vettenrantan past the flipper and Erika Väliheikki hurried to places. The winning run of the episode was seen immediately after, when Oona Tuononen managed to get home Sofa Korhonen with a tap.

In the second period, Pesäkarhut got their inside game going better than in the opening period, when at the end of the period, the scoreboard showed a double-digit number of runs. Emilia Linna, whose run from second in the second inning, increased the visitors’ lead with a home run and three regular runs. The second kunnar of the evening was beaten by Pesäkarhuje Elisa Pauna in the next innings.

The Pesäkarhut did not succeed in any of their attempts in the home team, so one run was enough for the home team to win. It was seen in the second pair, when Sohvi Korhonen hit the ball from a pass intended as a tactical mistake and Tanja Heikkilä went home.

Also in the meeting between Raumalla Fera and Pöytä Urheiliði, a solution was sought through a long formula. In the end, Fera was better 2–1k (0–3, 4–0, 4–3). The winner could not be determined in the first stage of the home run, as each team scored two runs in five pairs. With the second starter of the take-off race Iina Valkeejärvi pushed the ball through from the second side in such a way that he had time to go around the kunnar at the same time Only Tanhua proceeded home. Kunnari guaranteed Fera the win, because with their equalizing effort, the Pöyttälä team only managed to close by a run.

Hamina Ballolijat claimed victory over Vaasa by defeating Mailattare 2–0 (4–2, 4–3). Full series points for the guests for sure Nella Sarnikorpi. The run that was the winning run of the episode was 18-year-old Sarnikorve’s first run in Superpesis.

Men’s Superpesis:

Imatran Ballo-Veikot – Kempeleen Kiri 0-2 (0-2, 1-5)

Kouvolan Ballonlöjät – Sotkamon Jymy 1-2k (1-0, 1-3, 0-1)

Seinäjoki JymyJussit – Pattijoki Athletes 2-1k (6-2, 0-1, 3-2)

Alajärvi Anchors – Crystal Ball 0-2 (0-2, 1-2)

Series table
