Rocket attack on the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights – at least 10 dead | News in brief

The football stadium on the Golan Heights was attacked from Lebanon on Saturday. Most of the victims are children and young people.

20:19•Updated 21:12

In Israel, several people have died on Saturday in a rocket attack that hit the football stadium in the village of Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights.

According to the Israeli emergency services, there are at least 10 dead. In addition, at least 34 people have been wounded in the attack. According to the Israeli army, all those who died in the attack were between the ages of 10 and 20.

According to the Israeli authorities, the attack was carried out from Lebanon, from where the Iranian-backed extremist organization Hezbollah has fired several rockets at Israel and its forces during the Gaza war.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has blamed Hezbollah for Saturday’s attack. Hezbollah spokesman Mohamad Afif has denied the claim.

The Golan Heights are located on the border between Israel and Syria. The area has been largely under Israel’s control since 1967.

Sources: Reuters, AFP, AP

The news is updated.
