A Local Advocacy Group Launched its Homelessness Response Toolkits on Friday Designed to help Businesses and Community Members Better Understand and Engage With Local Homelessness Respons.

A Local Advocacy Group Launched its Homelessness Response Toolkits on Friday Designed to help Businesses and Community Members Better Understand and Engage With Local Homelessness Respons.
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Margery Muharrem, Peer-to-Peer Coordinator with Reach Out Chatham-Kent (Rock), Said the Toolkits are adapted from a “Very Broad Version” That Was Created by the Ontario Business Improvement Area Association.
“We, with their permission, kind of manipulative it so that it would reflect what we need here in chatham-kent,” she said.
There’s a Quick Reference Postcard With Key Phone Numbers That’s include in the Toolkit.
“If you are finding any paraphernalia, needles, syringes, Things like that, who do you call?” Shen Said.
The Call Guide Provids That Information, She Said.
“If you’ve Got Someone who is Experiencing Homelessness and you want to see if you can support them with some resources, this will provide that to you,” Muharrem Said.
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“A lot of it is fear of not knowing what to do or who to call or how to help,” she said.
If People Come across “Some of our street friends, Here’s How You Can Help Support them in a Comfortable Way,” Muharrem Said.
The Guide is a way to add up some of the frustrations experienced by business and residents surrounded by such as vandalism. A goal is education and trying to “de-stigmatize a lot of the false narrative that are out there surround what folks are Doing,” She Said.
“I think it’s a way of trying to shine the light on the fact that they are our friends, neighbours, community Members who maybe, through a series of that that has have hapened through therough their lives, where it be trauma or they Pills, and an addiction Happened.
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“There’s a Myriad of Reasons that folks are in the situation they are and i think sometimes it’s important to humanize their situation,” she said. “It’s not ‘Those people,’ it’s our friends, it’s people who are part of our community.”
Muharrem Said Rock Approached the Historic Downtown Chatham Bia About the Challenges With Homelessness and Asked If Providing A Toolkit Would Be A Benefit.
She Said the Bia Agreed and Rock Began Working on the Toolkit Last Summer.
The Chatham Daily News has tried to reach the bia for comment.
Murharrem Said Copies of the Homeless Res’ Toolkits are available by Contacting Rock at 226-627-6163, [email protected] or a digital copy can be accesed at www.reachoutck.com/resources.
“We would just really encourage anybody who has questions, concerns to reach out to us and we’ll do our best to respond,” she said.
She also asks people to “be kind.”