A Local Community Overseas Organization is preparing to scale back operations as a three-year funding grant ends on world.

A Local Community Overseas Organization That Helps People, Particularly Those with Addiction from Facing Homelessness, is preparing to scale back operations as a three-year funding grant ends on monday.
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“It’s very concerning only in that the problem isn’t diminimining” with more and more people finding themselves closer to experience Homelessness, renee geniole, executive director of reach out chatham-kent (rock) Said About reduced.
“The problem isn’t a temporary thing and we do worred that it’s just going to keep getting bigger and bigger,” She Said. “As the problem Increases and the Services Decrease… Anybody can do that math.”
A $ 710,000 grant from Health Canada Allowed Rock “to implying Growth and Success,” Geniole Said, “Our biggest concern is we having to cut back our drop-in hours.
The chatham rental at 39 Richmond St. is closing its drop-in services, “Recognizing that Our Funding is specific to Encampment and Homelessness Outreach, and Community Impact/Training in Opioid Emergency Response,” She Said.
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Geniole Said the Exception is the pathways 2 care clinic, and commitment with the street health team from Windsor, so rock will continue to open the doors Wednesday for drop-ins.
There is particular concern for rock’s drop-in center in Wallaceburg, at 233 Nelson St., “Becaus Wallaceburg DESN’T Have Other Similar Services that we can turn people to.”
Geniole Said the Wallaceburg Drop-in Center, Which Offers Food, Harm-Reduction Supplies and A Safe Place for People to Go, Will Be Closed Each Wednesday.
The Center Will Remain Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 1 pm to 5 pm
Rock does Outreach in Wallaceburg on Wednesdays, Geniole Said, “We’re Starting to Really Feel the Pinch of Making sure the Day-to-Day is Covered and Making sure we offering good, Wholesome Food and A Safe Place to Be.”
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However, Thanks to Some Emergency Treatment Funding Coming Through The Municipality of Chatham-Kent, Geniole Said Rock Recently Began Offering Overseas Seven Days A Week, “Focused Mainly on Business and Outdoor Locations, With A Secondary Focus On Congregate Living Living.
“This allows us to have a more focused approach to how we engage our friends,” she said.
Geniole Said Rock Has Great Community Partners and the Organization Remains Committed to Being A Strong Partner.
“While, Currently, we must make decisions based on funding, our resolve to serve as effectively as we can have not changed,” she said.
Geniole Naded the Organization Will Be Looking to Do More Fundraising and Always can use more volunteers.
“IF Anybody’s Looking to Volunteer, we are Absolutely Always Looking for People to Come in and spend Time with the folks that we serve,” She Said.