Robotization in household equipment

Robotization in household equipment

Straight out of a science fiction film, household robot appliances come to our rescue to make our daily lives easier. Real jewels of technology, they save us precious time while demonstrating foolproof efficiency. Focus on these robots that help us maintain the house.

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Born from the need to save us ever more time, household robots are becoming more and more popular in our homes. If a few years ago robotization in household equipment seemed unthinkable, today it is spreading faster than expected.

Household robots: how do they work?

Cleverly imagined by specialized engineers, these intelligent machines offer to do the housework for us. Programmable, they activate when we are at the office to save us the famous household chores in the evening. If they are quite expensive to buy, the game is worth the candle: they allow us to save several hours of cleaning per week! The only downside is that you always have to remember to put them on charge to avoid battery failure: a detail that will quickly become a reflex after a few uses.

Which household robots for my home?

Whatever the surface of your home, therobot vacuum takes care of tracking down dust, crumbs and even the hair of our pets. Ultra-sophisticated, the new models reach every corner of the house. Thanks to a mapping system, the robot device memorizes the route to be taken. A little extra: it adapts its suction according to the type of floor and becomes even more efficient on rugs and carpets.

Similar in design to the robot vacuum cleaner, the robot cleaner cleans your floors. New models can clean areas up to 120 m2 ! To make it work, you just need to fill its water tank, and remove the used cleaning cloth after use. Most models have obstacle and void detection, so they won’t venture down your stairs.

  • window cleaning robot

Indispensable if your home has large windows or bay windows, the window cleaning robot makes it possible to put an end to traces on the tiles. Thanks to a system of suction cups ensuring perfect adhesion to glass walls, this type of robot erases traces and dust in a single pass. It does not require any particular product, but in the event of stubborn dirt, you can apply a little window cleaner directly to its integrated wipe.

  • The clothes ironing robot

Similar to a large radiator, the clothes ironing robot eliminates the chore of ironing. Like a heated wardrobe, all you have to do is place the clothes vertically on hangers. After being heated, moistened and pressed, they come out without any creases or odors. Operating with refill capsules, the device takes care of a dozen garments at the same time.

Vacuuming, cleaning, ironing… without doing anything, did you dream of it? Technology has done it! While most models of household robots have relatively high prices, everything suggests that their democratization over the next few years will lower prices.

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